Wednesday, August 23, 2006


i think i experienced something of a breakthrough in yoga the other day. i'd been suffering from a tightness in the upper vertebrae of my back (something i inherited from my father). there's one stretch that we do where we lean forward, interlace our fingers, and bring our arms over our heads. well, i could only move mine a few inches above my back without experience a great deal of resistence. i kept at it, and then a few days ago, i tried it, and crack! i could feel my back crack, four times in a row. when i straightened i felt taller, the tightness was gone.

sadly, back cracking is addictive. though it's still much looser than it was, i feel i have to crack it every day now for it to feel right. but damn, it feels good!

1 comment:

connie said...

Not only do I like to crack my back, but I also like to crack my hip, where the femur meets the socket. It feels sooooo good!