Thursday, February 02, 2006

writing binge

i knocked out almost four chapter in the last two days. maybe it's because i'm procrastinating my school work, but writing fiction has just come so easily for me recently. sure, it's a rough draft. sure, it's still got hours and hours to go before they are even close to being finished. but hey, they're written, sketched out, which is much more than i can say for some of my other projects.

including the durn 2,500-word article i'm suppose to have for school by next tuesday!!


zditty said...

We need to check these out soon!

anne said...

yay! i'm so glad you're here, zditty!

xtinehlee said...

yay! fiction is probably your sacred space now, not up for critique in class--how awesome that the muse is visiting that space!