Wednesday, October 04, 2006

cool free games

okay, since i'm unemployed, i play games to amuse myself. also since i'm unemployed (an just 'cus i'm a penny pincher in general) i don't want to fork out a alot of dough for games.

fortunately for me, there's a wealth of free games out there! the ones i like best are browser based.

anyway, here's one of my favorites:

Psychiatrie fur misshandelte kuscheltiere.
Don't worry, there's an English translation for the game: Asylum for Abused Stuffed Animals.

This game just stole my heart. I still think about it, though it's been a good two or three weeks since I've played it. You're a psychiatrist in training, filling in for the doctor while he is on a trip, at the mental institute for mishandled stuffed animals. You're job is to rehabilitate them, by recommending treatment and slowly coaxing the past out of each of four stuffed animals, using a combination of dream therapy, drugs, play therapy, and other options. It is simply quite adorable and also poignant. I was amazed too, by the complexity that went into it, both in thought and in execution.

Bottom line: You will never look at stuffed animals the same way again.


connie said...

hmm, it isn't quite so cerebral, but i'm addicted to this one -

i know it's just tetris/bedazzled, but it's cute, and perfect to play while my parents are rambling on the phone about dirt, paint chips, heating elements, jury duty, apple picking, etc.

xtinehlee said...

the other thing you can do now that you have lots of time is to hang out with your friends and bake a pie. ahem. :)

it is, after all, apple season...oh, and pumpkin season....